Thursday, September 16, 2010

Make Old New Again

In my infinite web surfing, I came across this feature: New Uses for Old Things Hall of Fame.

Here you can find new uses for anything from toothpicks to dryer sheets, and they even have a kid's edition. One of my personal favorites was repurposing an empty ketchup bottle to easily dispatch pancake batter! Genius!

Photo: Mark Lund
The challenge to come up with different ideas for various objects/junk/empties you already have around the house with the added bonus of recycling is fantastic. I will definitely be trying some of these great ideas out in our home.

Do you have any great tips or way you recycle/repurpose everyday items? Please share!


Wednesday, September 15, 2010

New Look!

Hello all! I'm so excited to let you know that my newly redesigned website is now up! Having worked on it for just over a month, I designed and built the entire site myself with the help of numerous online tutorials (much love to YouTube).

If you're interested in whose tutorials I used and what I used for my gallery, I've listed it on the Resources page on my site.

For those of you who may be new, here are the before and after pictures:



I still have plenty of pictures to add to my gallery, but I felt so accomplished that I had to show everyone!

What do you think of the change? Feedback is always appreciated!


Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Welcome to Handmade Happenings!

Welcome, all. I'm putting the finishing touches on my blog setup and I hope you enjoy following it as much as I enjoy sharing my ideas and whatnot with you. I have a list of projects, including kid-friendly, that I'll be working on posting as well. Stay tuned!